I have always been prone to bruises. Can you say clumsy Kitty? It’s the story of my life, it has never failed, right before a special event, that I’m really excited to wear a beautiful dress or just wanting to show my legs, I get a bruise. It is the worst and most frustrating feeling. Recently, I finally had enough and started testing out different methods on removing these unwanted little visitors. I of course, I had share with you how I was finally able to say goodbye to bruises and hello to clear skin.
Apple cider vinegar, this has made a big difference for me so far, I don’t know why I haven’t tried this sooner! It doesn’t taste good, at all, but offers so many amazing health benefits. Warm it up in a bowl and applying it directly to the sore area with a cotton ball. Keep caution as you don’t want to burn your skin. This helps reduce any inflammation and circulate the blood flow, strained in the area. Repeat for a few times a day, if possible.
Direct heat, another alternative in treating a bruise. It doesn’t matter if it was from a week or a day ago. Heat up a small pot of water, dry towel, lightly damp the cloth and apply to the bruised surface. Keep caution as you don’t want to burn your skin! This helps circulate the blood flow accumulated in that area. Repeat for a few times a day, if possible.
Message the area, this might sound extremely painful but keep in mind to use a light hand. You can always message around the border of the bruise. Like they say, beauty is pain and boy did they mean it literally. The idea is that you want the blood to flow to circulate by doing this it will help but just be cautious you don’t want to make it worse. Repeat for a few times a day, if possible.
How do you remove your bruises?