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29 Life Lessons

In celebration of my 29th birthday, I thought this would be the best time to kick start my blog, by sharing my “29 Life Lessons” with you. I am a strong believer that sharing life experiences with others is a great way to grow and realize we are not alone. I hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.

29 Life Lessons:

1. It is not always you, it’s sometimes them - Everyone has their own insecurities and personal issues that they are dealing with that you don’t know about. The easiest thing to do, is not take it personal.

2. Invest in yourself - Learn as much as you can about everything and anything in life, you will be thankful later when you’re able to contribute to a conversation and enlighten others.

3. Save money - You can’t rely on friends, family or partners to get you out of a hole. There might be someone that is willing to help you, but at the end of the day you should only rely on yourself.

4. Not all friendships last - People will come and go, so instead of worrying about that almost imminent moment, enjoy their company and make cherishable memories while you can.

5. Be yourself - Don’t waste your time worrying what everyone else will think or say. Their opinions don’t matter, just your own.

6. Forgive yourself - Learn to forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made. We’re only human.

7.  Be brave - Live your life on your own terms. If you want to travel, travel. If you want to get married or buy a home, do it when you are ready. Never conform to what societal norms.

8. Make time for yourself - If that is going to the gym, a walk, or even getting a mani/pedi. It’s always a good time. Your mental and physical state of mind should always be a priority.

9. Walk the walk - Stop just saying you’ll do something, actually do it. If you really want something you will find a way. You will never know how great it can be unless you try. If it fails, at least you tried. It will at least be a learning experience.

10. Failure can be positive - There is nothing wrong with something not going the way you expected. There will always be something amazing you will learn from every situation. I promise.

11. Be kind to everyone- Odds are, you don’t know what they are going through or what they have gone through to be the person they are today. It’s easier said than done, but it can be done.

12. Learn to be alone and love it - There will not be enough money, clothes, friends, followers online in the whole world that can make you happy enough. Learn to be your own best friend, enjoy your own company. Remember, you get to live with yourself for the rest of your life.

13. Ask for help when you need it but don’t underestimate your ability - We underestimate ourselves so quickly, give up and ask for help, but also recognize how strong you can be.

14. Practice gratitude on a daily basis - Whenever you get a chance take a moment and say out loud what you are grateful for, big or small.

15. Wear SPF - Yes, this might sound weird but it should be part of your daily routine. You want to make sure you avoid skin damage or aging.

16. Invest in skincare - This can be expensive or inexpensive but just start! The sooner you start testing out what works for you the sooner you can start avoiding those wrinkles.

17. Drink lots of water - Water should be your best friend. I’ll admit drinking water can be annoying but it keeps your body and skin hydrated, stomach full and helps you reduce dark circles. Need I say more?

18. Never take your health for granted - For so many years I remember I ate anything I wanted and nothing affected me. It wasn’t until I turned 23 that my body suddenly decided that it no longer wanted certain fast foods, meats and even veggies. Moderation is key.

19. Just because you love each other doesn’t mean you should be together - I remember hearing this so many times, but I didn’t understand it. You can love someone and they can be a great person but that doesn’t mean you are right for each other.

20. Love your body - It’s easier said than done but learn to love your quirks. Everyone has stretch marks, cellulite and pudge. Instead of seeing it in a negative light, choose to embrace them.

21. Always have a little black dress - This will be your life saver when you have no time to buy a dress for a christmas party, cocktail party or an unexpected date. Find one!

22. Invest in a good tailor - This is the best plastic surgery hack. Not only will your clothes fit better on you but you’ll magnify your best attributes and boost your own confidence.

23. Contour is a game changer - I am sure there are many of you who have seen the best and worst examples of this but to be honest it’s a personal opinion on how much or little you want to contour. I can’t ever see myself not contouring. It’s made my round face look thinner and has given me the cheekbones I’ve never had.

24. Smile more it’s contagious - So many people are going through so many things in their personal lives that smiling at someone can really brighten up their day. It also makes you so much more approachable in a social setting and can work in your favor.

25. Laugh at yourself - I do this all the time, laughing at the ridiculous things I say and do. It’s honestly a great way to love your own quirks and accepting yourself for who you are.

26. Nothing is possible without a village surrounding you - People who have accomplished something didn’t do it alone. They were surrounded by so many people who either helped them along the way or supported their decisions.

27. Laser hair removal is a great investment - This is the best investment I have ever made. As an old daily shaver, this has saved so much time in the shower and has helped my confidence.

28. Don’t be afraid to remove negative people in your life - This can be friends, family, etc. Just remember your mental wellness is very important and you don’t deserve to be treated unfairly.

29. Be selfish with your time - I think people take time for granted, but learning to be selective with the people you surround yourself with, can have a positive effect on your life.

If you’ve gotten this far, I want to say thank you! I hope you learned something new or have seen a new perspective. I’m excited to see what more I learn throughout this journey we call life.

Don’t forget to comment down below and share one of your own life lessons.